“He is a witness to the world that the old Indian wisdom was not in vain. It is of course true that in no other country could he have occurred. But it is not true that he expresses the mind of India alone, or even chiefly. For in him meet the feeling and thought of all mankind, and he, Ramkrishna, the devotee of Kali, represents Humanity.”
– Sister Nivedita
I would like to pay homage to the mystic, saint, philosopher & social reformer. Swami Sri Ramkrishna Paramahams Ji on his Jayanti.
Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, the eminent Hindu mystic of 19th-century India, used stories and parables to portray the core elements of his philosophy. The meaning of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa’s stories and parables are usually not explicitly stated. The meanings are not intended to be mysterious or confidential but are, in contrast, quite uncomplicated and obvious. In the Hindu and other traditions of the major religions of the world, parables form the language of the wise for enlightening the simple, just as well as they form the language of the simple for enlightening the wise. Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa Ji’s messages and teachings continue to guide the humanity into future
“To proclaim and make clear the fundamental unity underlying all religions was the mission of my Master. Other teachers have taught special religions which bear their names, but this great teacher of the nineteenth century made no claim for himself. He left every religion undisturbed because he had realized that, in reality, they are all part and parcel of the one eternal religion.”
– Swami Vivekananda

Swami Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa Ji found a way to reconcile the religions of the world and unite humanity in common spiritual understanding. It turns out that one of the most respected yogis of our era directly addressed the turmoil between religious cultures and showed how our differences can be resolved.
Swami Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa Ji was witness to the hostility and suspicion between Christians, Muslims, and Hindus that seethed even then in North India. Unlike most of his contemporaries, who believed there could be no peace between these groups, Ramakrishna found a way to reconcile the religions of the world and unite humanity in common spiritual understanding. His words—and more importantly his actions—speak to us today more urgently than ever.
According to Swami Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa Ji, “All religions are equally valid. He found a place for each one in his own life. He first realized God by following Hindu practices, and then by following the Christian and Muslim paths. Such a journey is unique in the religious history of the world. He afterward proclaimed, ‘As many faiths, so many paths,’ thus establishing an ideal harmony of religions for our present age, in which religions are in conflict, and hatred and violence are rampant. He taught a religion so badly needed today, a religion that is constructive and not destructive, scientific and not fanatical, practical and not theoretical, rational and not superstitious, universal and not parochial. Truly, Sri Ramakrishna worked to create unity in our time.”
A great lesson

Saints teach us only what they themselves have practiced. That is why their advice has the power to do us good.
The great Guru Ramkrishna Paramhansa had a poor woman among His disciples. One day, she came to Him with her son and said, “Gurudev, my son wants to eat sweets every day. This habit is spoiling his teeth, and I also cannot afford to buy them for him everyday. My advice, warning and even beating have all been in vain. Please give him some advice and also bless him so that he stops the bad habit.”
Ramkrishna looked at the boy, but instead of talking to him, asked the woman to bring him back after two weeks.
The woman brought the boy to Him again after two weeks. As both sat down, Shri Ramkrishna kindly looked at the boy and said, “My dear son, is it true that you trouble your mother for sweets every day?” The boy hung his head and said, “Yes, Sir,” and became silent. “You are an intelligent boy. You know that those sweets are spoiling your teeth. Your mother, too, is worried about you. If she spends money on sweets everyday, how can she buy new books and good clothes for you? Don’t you think you are making a mistake?”
Ramkrishna’s words touched the boy’s heart. He looked at Ramkrishna and said, “Yes, Sir” and became silent again. “Then, will you stop asking for sweets from today?” asked Ramkrishna in an appealing tone. The boy smiled this time and said, “Yes, Sir, I will stop troubling my mother for sweets from today and stop eating them everyday.”
Ramkrishna, pleased with the boy’s reply, lovingly drew him close and said: “My son, you are a nice boy. You understand what is good and what is bad for you. You will surely grow up to be a happy man.” As the boy bowed down in Namaskar, Ramkrishna blessed him and turned to the other devotees.
After the boy went out into the garden, his grateful mother asked Ramkrishna, “Gurudev, why did you make us wait for two weeks to give these few words of advice?”
Ramkrishna smiled and said, “You see when you came two weeks ago, I, too, was in the habit of eating sweets brought by devotees. How could I ask your son not to do something which I myself was doing almost every day? So, from that day I stopped eating sweets. That gave me enough strength and power to advise your son to do what I myself have done. Only when we preach what we practice, are our words full of sincerity and appeal to the listener.”
All the devotees in the room felt that they, too, had learnt a great lesson from Ramkrishna.
Story of true love

Narendra (Swami Vivekananda) had just lost his father and was in a lot of debt. Once Ramakrishna Paramahansa was talking with Narendra and other few disciples. During the conversation Ramakrishna said to a devotee who was rich “Narendra has lost his father, his family is in trouble, it would be great if his friends help him in this time of need.”
After that rich fellow left the place, Naren who was angry said to his Guru Ramakrishna “Why did you have to tell him all that?”, he was angry for his pride and his family’s esteem were hurt.
Seeing Naren hurt, Ramakrishna with tears in his eyes said “Naren, don’t you know I’m ready to do anything for you? I will go from house to house begging for you.”
Naren knew his master truly meant it, touched by the love of the saint he wept and felt ashamed of his behavior.
Interesting conversation
Swami Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa Ji was a sheer enigma and an enchanting Guru who can never and ever be captured in these mere words.
Here is an interesting part of the conversation that happened between Swami Vivekananda and Paramahamsa Ramakrishna.
Time is a Running Deer
Vivekananda Questions – I can’t find free time. Life has become hectic.
Ramakrishna Answers – Activity gets you busy. Productivity makes you free.
Life’s Complexity
Vivekananda Questions – Why has life become complicated now?
Ramakrishna Answers – Stop analyzing life, it gets complicated. Just live it.
Slipping Happiness
Vivekananda Questions – Why are we then constantly unhappy?
Ramakrishna Answers – Worrying has become your habit. That’s why you are not happy.
Good V/s Bad
Vivekananda Questions – Why do good people always suffer?
Ramakrishna Answers – Gold cannot be purified without fire. Good people go through trials, but don’t suffer.With that experience, their life becomes better, not bitter.
Importance of an Experience
Vivekananda Questions – You mean to say such experience is useful?
Ramakrishna Answers – Yes. In every term, Experience is a hard teacher. She gives the test first and the lessons.

A Confused Path
Vivekananda Questions – Because of so many problems, we don’t know where we are heading…
Ramakrishna Answers – If you look outside you will not know where you are heading. Look inside. Eyes provide sight. The heart provides the way.
Pain of Failures
Vivekananda Questions – Does failure hurt?
Ramakrishna Answers – Success is a measure as decided by others. Satisfaction is a measure as decided by you.
Not-so-motivating instances
Vivekananda Questions – In tough times, how do you stay motivated?
Ramakrishna Answers – Always look at how far you have come rather than how far you have to go. Always count your blessing, not what you are missing,
Mindset of People
Vivekananda Questions – What surprises you about people?
Ramakrishna Answers – When they suffer they ask, “why me?” When they prosper, they never ask “Why me?”
Life Results
Vivekananda Questions – How can I get the best out of life?
Ramakrishna Answers – Face your past without regret. Handle your present with confidence. Prepare for the future without fear.
Prayers Unanswered
Vivekananda Questions – One last question. Sometimes I feel my prayers are not answered.
Ramakrishna Answers – There are no unanswered prayers. Keep the faith and drop the fear. Life is a mystery to solve, not a problem to resolve. Trust me. Life is wonderful if you know how to live.
“It is the mind that makes one wise or ignorant, bound or emancipated.”
– Swami Ramkrishna Parmhansa

Source: Internet, Hindu mythology, legends and the book – My Master.