Technical writing career solutions for all
– aspiring technical writers, students, freshers and experienced writers.
Today, we all are searching.
We are searching for something ‘big’, right job, right career, right day.
In fact, we are searching for the right time…to get started.
We are mostly searching outside ourselves…in courses, colleges, universities, MNCs, industries, success-of-others, and so on.
But, we are missing the true place of the treasure…our-own-self; our talent, our passion, and our strengths.
Each person has an unique talent, personality, and interests different from others.

With complexity and uncertainty driven by change, it is difficult to choose the right options.
A wrong choice or decision also means a big cost – in terms of time, money, and resources. The outcome is anxiety, frustration, loss of competitiveness.

There are lot of myths and misconceptions about technical writing. Short-term fixes, short term gains will not help in sustaining a long-term career. The right solution is to understand what works for you, what are your needs, what are your values, what are your strengths, what is the right direction for you?
Ramesh Aiyyangar facilitates 'making the right choices.'
The various services and programs focus only on one thing – You. Your interest, your skills, and your career aspirations.
Age is no bar. Because, passion never retires.
Clutter and confusion are cleared. All questions are answered. Right strategy is suggested.
Personalized career guidance services
Ramesh Aiyyangar Simplifying your career decisions.

#1. Guide Me Program
The Guide Me program is designed exclusively for anyone who is looking to get started in technical writing/communication, freshers or experienced technical writers/communicators who need an online program that will assist them in advancing their technical career… now!
In the Guide Me program, you will receive information, proven processes, and wisdom that you can apply immediately. It is important to learn the right way. You can learn by doing. But, learning by doing on the job, when your career can suffer, is not the place to experiment.
Guide Me program is the way to gain experience without your career suffering and achieving your career goals and dreams.
#2. Achieve Program
Individual mentoring is specifically useful for individuals who want to accomplish specific career goals and outcomes in their work environment. Perhaps you want to enter a new industry, learn a new domain, deal with a specific issue or make a career move inside or outside your organization.
Or maybe you have a behavioral block that is keeping you from being successful. Individual 1-to-1 mentoring is a targeted approach to help you get what you want, when you want it, to achieve your career goals or dreams.

#3. Workshops
Whether you represent a organization searching for training for your employees or you are an employee looking for training to help you succeed you have come to the right place.
#4. Online Mini Courses
I offer a variety of online mini-courses based on different needs. So, take the first step forward to know:
- who you are &
- what is the direction of your success story.
Allow your career goals that “speak to your heart” to guide you in your career decisions.
So, do you want to know on how to get started with a career in technical writing or grow in this field. Don’t hesitate to have a conversation with me. I’m here to help you to take a once in a lifetime decision.