Paying Obeisance to Goddess Saraswathi – Bestower of Intellect, Knowledge, and Wisdom

सरस्वति नमस्तुभ्यं वरदे कामरूपिणि ।विद्यारम्भं करिष्यामि सिद्धिर्भवतु मे सदा ॥ Learn as much as you can.  We should not stop learning.  We know that there is no end to learning.  The more we learn, the more we gain knowledge.  It is said that learning gives you knowledge and knowledge gives you power.  But, with all … Read more

How Shall I Set My Career in Technical Writing?

Technical writing career solutions for all – aspiring technical writers, students, freshers and experienced writers. Greetings! Today, we all are searching.  We are searching for something ‘big’, right job, right career, right day.  In fact, we are searching for the right time…to get started. We are mostly searching outside ourselves…in courses, colleges, universities, MNCs, industries, … Read more

How to Make Your Values Make Your Career?

You are only good as your values. Core values are personal values that guide you when making important decisions and doing work. To develop your personal and professional goals, determine the values that are meaningful in your life. It can help you find jobs and companies that align with your ideals. For newbies, if you … Read more

How to Get Started with a Career in Technical Writing?

You are at the right place! Greetings. You’re probably wondering…  Who is this guy? Who am I? and Why do I have this website or what services I provide?  These two questions are important. The answers to these questions are all the more important to you and me as well. Who am I? And, the answer … Read more