Respect…invites success for technical writers

Once, at the Kingdom of Kashi ruled by King Brahmadatta, the royal priest Devdutt thought, “The King respects me a lot. All this respect and honour that I get, I don’t know whether it is because of my knowledge or because of my virtue and morality. I should find about it.” One day, while returning … Read more

King of million hearts & inspiring million hearts

अंगात हवी रग… रक्तात हवी धग… छाती आपोआप फुगते…. एकदा जय शिवराय बोलून बघ ….छत्रपती शिवराय’ हेच आमचे गुरु Today is the 391st birth anniversary of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. My humble tribute to him. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was born in the hill-fort of Shivneri, near the city of Junnar in Pune district on 19 February … Read more

Remembering Swami Sri Ramkrishna Paramahams ji

“He is a witness to the world that the old Indian wisdom was not in vain. It is of course true that in no other country could he have occurred. But it is not true that he expresses the mind of India alone, or even chiefly. For in him meet the feeling and thought of … Read more

Paying Obeisance to Goddess Saraswathi – Bestower of Intellect, Knowledge, and Wisdom

सरस्वति नमस्तुभ्यं वरदे कामरूपिणि ।विद्यारम्भं करिष्यामि सिद्धिर्भवतु मे सदा ॥ Learn as much as you can.  We should not stop learning.  We know that there is no end to learning.  The more we learn, the more we gain knowledge.  It is said that learning gives you knowledge and knowledge gives you power.  But, with all … Read more